
Showing posts from January, 2025

Tormenta hosts Open Tryouts

Action from Saturday's Open Tryout Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, Statesboro got roughly four inches of snow. Those of you more accustomed to wintery weather are probably scoffing that this is worth mentioning. Those of you who rarely, if ever, see snow are probably jealous.  And it was the most snow seen here in at least 40 years as my parents couldn’t remember any snow event more than that. Heck, it was the first snow of any kind since 2018, so four inches was kind of a big deal. As you might expect, Statesboro isn’t exactly prepared to handle that. We don’t have snow plows or anything of that sort to make things run smoothly. We’ve got the sun and just kind of wait for it to melt. The town kind of shuts down. Georgia Southern went remote Tuesday-Thursday and opened at 10 a.m. on Friday to give time for the ice on the roads to melt. The schools in the county were closed Wednesday through the rest of the week (including hurricanes, kids here have missed 14 days of school so...

Minotaurs, ships, and the transient nature of sports

It's a soccer post, I promise.  The dude killed a minotaur. We should talk about that and nothing else. He straight up killed a minotaur and yet, somehow, that's not the thing we talk about when we talk about him.  And guess what? That's not the part that I'm going to talk about either. But I wanted to state, up front, before we go any further, that the dude slayed a minotaur and that fact should not go unremarked upon. It has now been remarked upon, so we can continue. But seriously. Do you know what it takes to kill a minotaur? Add in the fact the minotaur was kept in a labyrinth prison so that even if you do kill it, you may not be able to get back out without dying yourself. Some say he used a sword to defeat the minotaur. Others say he used brute force after he lost his sword in battle and defeated it with his bare hands. Either way, he did it. Ok, ok, yes, Theseus defeated the beast on the island of Crete with the help of King Minos' daughter Ariadne (who  had...

Searching for The Good Place

Is 2025 the year Tormenta makes it to The Good Place?  (Warning: This post contains spoilers for "The Good Place", but that show debuted in 2016 so I don't feel too bad about spoiling the end of Season One. However, if it's on your offseason watch list and you've never seen it, you should probably stop reading now.) In the TV show "The Good Place," when the experiment with the afterlife goes wrong, Michael, a Demon from the Bad Place intent on finding new way to torture humans, simply reboots the experiment and wipes the memories of the four humans who figured out they were actually in the Bad Place. Everything that happened is erased and they just start over in their efforts to get the people to torture each other. While not exactly the same thing, that's kind of the vibe I got when Tormenta announced they were only bringing back five players from the 2024 squad. South Georgia choosing to do almost a complete reboot of the experiment to see if thing...