June Power Rankings

Sunrise over Hilton Head Island, SC. Greetings from the coast of South Carolina where I'm on a family vacation for the week. So, no recap of the League One Chattanooga game, no preview for the Jagermeister Cup Fuego game or the W-League regular season finale against Fayetteville. But don't despair, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which will be for all the people. For unto you is posted this day a Power Rankings. It is silly and not to be taken seriously. This will be a sign for you. I've ranked teams by age of their mayor or summer vacation destination so taking these as anything more than a few minutes of fun is a mistake. On the less fun front, I managed to sprain my ankle running after a frisbee Tuesday at the beach. This isn't one of those walk it off ones either. My wife was videoing me walking to the car after dinner to show her friends who are here with us, laughing because I'm not seriously hurt, but sympathetic enough to get me ice pack...